• 5th Baltic-Nordic School on Neuroinformatics BNNI 2017

    5th Baltic-Nordic School on Neuroinformatics BNNI 2017

    Theoretical modelling of brain functions in neurological and psychiatric disorders:
    Advancing future neuroscience and medicine through Neuroinformatics methods
    6 - 7 October 2017
    Neuroscience Institute
    Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
    Kaunas, Lithuania

BNNI 2017

Registration and fees

Register now!

Registration deadline: 10 September 2017

Registration is closed

There is a small tuition fee of 50 EUR to be paid by the accepted students before 17 September 2017.

The organizers will provide teaching materials, meals and coffee during the course. The participants are expected to cover their travel and health insurance expenses as well as lodging.

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BNNI 2017

5th Baltic-Nordic School on Neuroinformatics (BNNI 2017)

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